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Navigating the Course

How do I access the chapters in each unit?

When you select a unit, you will see a list of topics. Select the plus sign next to the topic title to access the video and chapter downloads.

It’s recommended that you view the topics in order. When you’ve completed all the topics, you can take the assessment.


Why does the program freeze during assessments?

If you experience trouble with the program freezing and not allowing you to continue, save your progress, refresh the page, and try the assessment again. You may also want to clear your cache and cookies before you try to proceed (see below). Also check your Internet connection to make sure your service is not being interrupted.

If the problem persists, please contact us for assistance.

Why should I periodically delete cache and cookies from my web browser?

Your browser will collect information which can sometimes cause problems with accessing websites. It's always a good idea to clear out your cache (or browser history) and clear cookies on a regular basis. This will also ensure that you are accessing pages with the most up-to-date information.

How to Clear Cache and Cookies